About Us

 Operating from Stoke-on-trent, Aquadry is an accomplished company offering carpet and upholstery cleaning to clients throughout Stoke on Trent Staffordshire and Cheshire. The company has many years' experience in the carpet cleaning business. They service domestic as well as commercial and maintain the carpets of many offices and restaurants in the area as well as many satisfied existing domestic clients.

Carpeting is a major investment in your homes and regular cleanings are necessary to keep it looking new, fresh and hygenic. Accumulated dirt and grit are major causes of reduced carpet life and enable destructive and health harmful mites and bacteria to work unchecked. Cleaning costs are minimal compared to the replacement costs of carpets and furnishing, so regular cleaning makes economical sense too.

The company is managed by Ian Taylor who has been involved in the carpet cleaning trade for many years.

 Your carpet is a giant filter that traps indoor pollutants. Your carpet traps pollutants so you don’t breathe them over and over. But what happens when that trap gets full?

· When this “trap” gets full pollutants get redistributed into your air with every step you take. Meaning you & your family start to breathe dust mite debris, pollens, pollutants, fungus, spores, bacteria, chemicals, house dust, carcinogens, and lots of other really gross, unhealthy stuff.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that homes with carpet are actually healthier, as long as the carpets are cleaned frequently.

Once your carpet’s natural filtering ability is full....it’s time to thoroughly clean, for your health’s sake.


   How To Keep “Your Wallet” Healthy & Save Money!

· The longer you wait between cleanings the more money you will spend restoring or replacing your carpet.

How do your traffic lanes feel? Oils from the air, food, even your skin, stick to your carpet and cause dirt to “lock on” through a process called “oxidation”. If you wait too long, you are throwing away the key to unlocking the dirt and oil from traffic lanes. The longer you wait to clean the more soil becomes permanent.

· Even “normal” soiling can be damaging to your carpet’s delicate fibers.  Grinding your expensive yarns into worthless fibers that fill up your vacuum bag. Clean every 6 months or when traffic lanes first start to appear. Every moment you wait your carpet wears out faster!
Clean thoroughly and often and your carpets will last longer, look better, and it will save you money in the long run.


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